Business Case - TrueLayer


Project Goal

TrueLayer is the leading technology company providing secure, global access to financial infrastructure.
The goal is to create a new static page for TrueLayer’s website called “Press”. The page should collect links to all the articles out there about TrueLayer.

Category: UX/UI Design Web Design


I started by analyzing the same type of page on different sites, in different contexts. I determined that 4 elements were needed to develop the "Press" page for this project. The goal is to anticipate everything the media might need.

  1. Contact information.
    As a minimum, you need to provide people with the email address of the person in charge of handling media requests for the company.
  2. Quick company overview.
    The focus here is to provide just the right amount of detail without sacrificing clarity and length. Essentially, you want visitors to be able to quickly and easily grasp what it is that the company does without any confusion or need for further clarification.
  3. Noteworthy media mentions.
    The most important part: if anyone of the company has been interviewed or quoted in an article, or if the company have received any awards or nominations, or there is a a product or service mention in a noteworthy publication, then all these instances are worth linking to on the Press page, as detailing media coverage helps to position the company as both credible and newsworthy. What has to be highlighted is the inclusion of the publication's name. This helps to capture the attention of those scanning the page for quick hits.
  4. Media assets.
    When a media source goes to write something up about a company, it will first need to get its hands on a few important assets -- visuals, bios, social media links, etc. To eliminate back and forth requests, your client's press page should serve as a hub for the following things:
    • Brandbook;
    • Logos;
    • Link to company blog.


After the analysis I have developed a page that is a clean and informative Press page, that has the aim to simplify the process of discovery by making it easy for outside sources to publicly recognize the brand. So I obviously included the 4 elements described in the analysis.
Using the common header of the website, I immediatly highlithed the main informations that could be useful for the media. After that it comes immediatly a nice and clean grid list of three items per row. Each item includes: publication’s name, the title of the article, and the date.
To give some motion to the page, I added a little animation on hover of the item, using the same used in the website in the Cusotmers page.
I decided on purpose not to insert any "load more" button or any kind of pagination, because I think that since it is a very simple page, the loading performance is not affected, and above all there are no further loadings at the user's click. I kept instead the "back to top" button, which makes it easier for the user to get back on top of the most recent news.
The page ends with the common website footer.

For the libraries used, I opted to use Bootstrap framework. This is because in addition to the fact that it was already included in the site's resources, it is because I consider it one of the most complete and flexible libraries.