Business Case - Dsquared2


Project Goal is one of the YNAP’s Online Flagship Store partners.
Since the release of the current website happened years ago, we need to realign some features with market standards and usability matters.

Category: UX/UI Design

UX issues

  1. Carousel scrolling controls and images.
    • Main carousel scrolling is not so intuitive.
    • Other controls are not explicit and clear.
    • In addition some images are not loading at 1600px.
    • Looks like the website is not credible.
  2. CTA button position.
    • «Discover more» CTA button is in a misleading position because it is referred to the carousel.
    • The proximity to the arrow that should lead the user to scroll down, increases this misunderstanding.
  3. Mobile navigation through categories.
    • This kind of navigation through categories, from left to right, and after from top to bottom, is something not expected.
    • Not so intuitive to understand what are the main categories.
  4. Filters on product list.
    • User has to go inside all filters to understand which filter options are available.
    • There is no possibility to «Clear all filters» with one click.
    • After filter selection, user has no vision on what he is filtering.
    • Animation, could be faster.
  5. Breadcrumbs.
    • Intermediate steps are not clickable.
    • In a specific category user, has to click again on mega-menu to get back to parent category..
  6. Checkout.
    • When typing space for card number, it should not provoke validation error.
    • Card number should auto-format with spaces.
    • Card type selection is not needed after card number is validated.

Improvements and nice to have features

  1. Implement all possible search capabilities.
    • Voice search: is capable of driving a rather serious traffic.
      Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API.
    • Image search: is an ideal auxiliary option for visual-oriented people who remember the names poorly but are perfectly guided by the goods appearance.
      Google Image Search API.
  2. Filters.
    • Filters should be shifted on the a right sidebar always visible to the user. Show which filters are active for the result set.
    • Provide Category specific filters (e.g.: materials), or Thematic filters (e.g.: occasion, season, style)
    • Promote Important filters on top of the product list.
    • Filter changes should be separate events in the browser history.
      HTML5 History API, enable sites to invoke URL change without a page reload.
  3. Artifical Intelligence & Machine Learning.
    • AI implementation to empower «You may also like» section below every product page.
    • AI used with visual recognition that can help recommend appropriate tags when adding new products to the store, saving time, and give best similar result to customer.
    • AI and visual search enable user to take a picture of a product (with mobile device) in order to search for it inside the catalogue.
    • ML to understand better user when typing inside search box, and provide better result set, specific for registered user.
  4. Chat bot / Live chat.
    • These virtual machines could recommend accessories that best suit a specific user via chat as if they were using a real shopping assistants always available.
    • These services use data and learn from each customer interaction. Data enrichment improves the algorithms the system is based on in order to provide more relevant recommendations and therefore increase conversion rates.

AB test that are significant

  1. Filters.
    Adding and promote important and unique filters for users, in a dedicated sidebar, to fine-tune their search and narrow down the available options.
    What to measure:
    • Pages/session.
    • Average session duration.
    • Number of visits to the product page as a result of these clicks.
    • Total revenue due to this A/B test.
  2. Product “Quickview” for faster checkout.
    Adding a button on the product image that provides a modal in which user can “quickview” the product, without going inside the product page.
    What to measure:
    • Increase in % of sales through clicks on this quickview button.
    • Average order value (using this new feature).
    • Increase in clicks from the product list.
    • Increase in the revenue.
  3. Close-up view of items on product pages.
    Let the user get a zoomed-in view when they select a particular section of the product.
    Obtain an increase of engagement that mean a better customer experience.
    What to measure:
    • Pages per session and session duration for product pages providing this option.
    • Add-to-cart numbers from products with the new option.

Ideas of page personalization

  1. Redirection or custom homepage.
    When user arrives at the website, and he is already logged, the system could redirect him directly to Men or Women specific category page.
  2. Sorting relevance.
    Understand and track how much time user spent on specific product page, and sort result on this data.
    Each customer will see a different sort order.
  3. Suggest complementary products.
    Let user shop for and entire outfit at once, with suggestions for the accessories that will complete it.
  4. Body measures.
    When a new user is registered, system could ask for body measures.
    These data could be used for a more precise product result set.